Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Family Business

First of all, i would like to introduce the readers about the product that i have choosen. Actually, my family was produce the product name "Tempe" since years 1992. Tempe (tempeh) kedele is a fermented soybean based from food consumed in Indonesia, Malaysia, Holland, Canada, West Indies and by American vegetarians. The descrpition of tempe is a white, mold-covered cake produced by fungal fermentation of dehulled, hydrated (soaked) and partially cooked soybean cotyledons.
Yellow soybeans are most commanly used but black-coated varieties are used in some areas. The best quality tempe is made solely from soybean but lower cost and lower quality tempe may contain young papaw fruit grits, soybean seedcoats, soymilk or tofu.

Tempe is similar to cheese fermentation in that as fermentation continues, hydrolysis of the protiens and lipids occur. The flavor became stronger eventually free ammoria is released and the initial white colour of the cake becomes gray to black because of spores produced by the mold.
Freshly, fermented tempe has a clean mushroom like aroma. Following deep frying, the flavor becomes nutlike and peppery due, in part, to the presence of free fatty acids. In soups, tempe reflects the flavor of the other ingredients.

Ways of production of tempe from soybean must be washed first then soaked in the water within 24 hours in room temperature. After soaked, soybean must to wash again using clean water to insure bacterial fermentation (acidification) to pH 4.5-5.0. Then, boil soybean for 1 hour, evaporated, cool the soybean and then dry to inhibit bacterial growth. After dried, cost beans with wheat flour (optional), mix, inoculate, pack in leaves or plastic and then ferment in 24 hours and finally ready to be marketed tempe.

Other than that, marketing strategy to entrepreneurs who will cover important aspects such as target market (where and why), markets, grocery stores, mini markets, school and factories canteen, restaurants and also food shops.
Reviews found that there are some businessmen who also produce tempe as a competition's tempe. I believe my family company tempe product able to complete. This case because we have several advantages over competitors in terms of quality, cleanliness and taste.
In fact, we have proposed marketing strategy with price our products even flat 10% more expensive than the price of competitor products, but we are confident customers will not take into account this aspect as the quality and quantity of products provided coincide with the price charged. Expected profit margin for our company is 25%.
On the other hand, our campaign strategy include technique campaign that marketed, created and distribute flyers to traders and also give discounts to buyers who purchase in quality.

Finally, our distribution strategy is how to distribution is made to appoint a distributor to distribute to dibuar in the specified location. Our products will also be sold at the morning and night markets. Department of agricultural assistance, our products will also be carried further as the supermarket.
As a conclusion, i will like to suggest to readers to view my family blog for your more information,